Spiritual Practice & Sacred Ritual
The labyrinth is an ancient archetypal symbol dating back more than 3000 years.
While a maze is designed for you to lose your way ... the labyrinth is designed for you to find your way. The path meanders and turns, but there are no dead ends or multiple routes - in fact there is just one path always leading to the center and back out again.
This truth allows us to focus on journeying the path and experiencing the metaphors that arise. Together we’ll explore how you can utilize the labyrinth as a tool for spiritual practice & sacred ritual in your personal life.
Full Course Available Now
Casey Perkins-Lawrence

Casey Perkins-Lawrence is a Spiritual Life Coach ~ connecting with people on the journey ~ creating lives of wellbeing & love through transformational spiritual practice!
Originally from Southwest Georgia, in 2019 Casey moved with his husband, Gabriel, to the mountains of Tennessee, where both are working on master’s degrees at The School of Theology - The University of the South - Sewanee.
Casey has been teaching yoga and training teachers for more than a decade. He is a Certified Holistic Coach and was recently trained as a Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator. Casey incorporates each of these elements in his work and is always exploring new ways of connecting with Spirit and with Self through sacred ritual and spiritual practice.
You can Connect with Casey at www.caseyconnects.xyz & on Instagram @caseyconnects.