Healing Jephthah's Daughters
Available Now!
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Class Instructor: Dr. Lisa Weaver
Based on the narrative in Judges 11, this four-week course is designed to help women specifically (and adult children broadly) explore and begin to heal from wounds that are a result of unhealthy relationships with their fathers.
It will use story telling, family systems theory, exercises and prompts to help individuals reflect on and explore how their childhood experiences inform and shape the current beliefs and behaviors and how they can move towards freedom, healing, and wholeness.
DREAM - the Dream Interpretation Workshop
Now Available!
In this workshop, we will study the great dreamers of the Bible and learn how to use our sleep as a time of prayer. Each class will explore the roles of dreams in the Biblical narrative as well as the power of dream interpretation in the Christian tradition. Even if you never remember your dreams, there will be something fun to learn in this class! Supplemental materials include a guided sleep blessing meditation and a yoga class to help you prepare your body, mind, and soul for a restful night's sleep.
This course will be FREE for the Hive's Membership Community!
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Skylarking: Playing with Art Practices During Lent
Now Available
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Class Instructor: Ellyn Siftar
For the forty days of Lent, come be frivolous with art!
Follow along with instructional videos pairing art
practices with daily meditations.
Included in the video will be optional additional scripture
readings and music to listen to while you are skylarking.
Members get this class as part of their subscription.
Faith with a Twist
A 40-Day Journey
The long awaited Faith with a Twist course is here!
In Hillary and Amy's popular book, these two best friends sought to blend the ancient Church’s wisdom and the spiritual practice of yoga. People loved their approach and requested more to take their practice further! So, the masterclass was born!
Faith with a Twist has incredible wisdom to help you grow in your relationship with The Holy Spirit--body, mind, and soul.
Following the pattern of the original book, this class will bring you:
Prayers and practices for each day in this 40-day journey.
All new yoga videos for every week tackling important themes of healing connected with the body
Suggestions on how this series could be used to compliment different liturgical seasons like Lent
New philosophy video that cover the entire 8-limbs of yoga
Sunday Sabbath opportunities
Supplemental materials to take this offering even further
This course is FREE for the Hive's Membership Community!
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This amazing class might be for you if:
You are interested in starting a yoga practice and would like a 40-day supportive journey.
You already have an established yoga practice and want to take it deeper.
You are interested in ancient philosophy that helps take spiritual teachings off the mat into the world.
If you are entering a new spiritual phase of your life or a liturgical season and want tools to support your transition.
You are in need of spiritual and physical healing.
You are new to yoga and you’d like to try a program that will give you what you need as a beginner.
MEDICAL DISCLAIMER - before beginning any exercise program (including this one) please consult with your physician. You should understand that when participating in any physical activity, there is a possibility of physical injury. Please make sure to follow your body and be willing to modify the yoga postures for your needs.
Ignatian Spiritual Exercises During Lent
Replays available now
Class Instructor: Amy Nobles Dolan
Amy is back following her very popular Advent series!
For the six Sundays of Lent, spiritual director, Amy Nobles Dolan, will offer a series of one-hour prayer experiences.
This series is a Lenten mini retreat exploring the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.
The Spiritual Exercises were created by St. Ignatius of Loyola to help people draw closer to God in their everyday lives. These six contemplative experiences are designed to open your eyes and heart to see God in everything and everyone. All that is needed to participate is a curious heart and an interest in exploring new ways to connect your faith to your daily life.
These participatory experiences are an invitation into a deeper experience of the all-encompassing love of God during a liturgical season with just this intention. In fact, if you desire, the practices we do together can be repeated daily as your Lenten discipline.
All materials for each session will be provided.

SIT: A Class on Meditation
Now Available
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Do you know how to sit?
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced meditation practitioner, this class is for you. Here you'll learn how to start and sustain a meditation practice with helpful tips and tricks and as you're taken through a classic book on meditation by Anthony DeMello, a great spiritual master of our time. You'll then be invited to participate in a 40-day meditation practice with an optional group call to check-in and get your questions answered.
Members get this class as part of their subscription.
Try out Module 7: Yoga Nidra for free below.
Free Yoga Nidra Meditation
How can we pray when we're hurting?
How can we come before God with our raw, honest emotions?
How can we wrap all of the feelings swirling around in our big hearts into prayer?...
And when we're ready, how do we move into gratitude and joy in a deep way as well?
This 3-Part Workshop answers these questions and more.