MEDICAL DISCLAIMER - before beginning any exercise program (including the ones on The Hive) please consult with your physician. You should understand that when participating in any physical activity, there is a possibility of physical injury. Please make sure to follow your body and be willing to modify the yoga postures for your needs.
Free Yoga Classes
Subscribe to our email newsletter and we'll send you a link to this short 20-minute practice which is excellent both for the beginner or for an experienced yogi on a busy day.
Hive members have automatic access to this class by clicking the button below.
Faith with a Twist
Faith with a Twist: A 30-Day Journey into Christian Yoga
Bridge the gap between spiritual-but-not-religious by blending the ancient church’s wisdom and the spiritual practice of yoga. All too often attempts to blend yoga and Christianity have failed to do justice to both traditions—often sacrificing the wisdom of one tradition for the other. Faith with a Twist connects the traditional eight limbs of yoga with the church’s understanding and emphasis on living a holy life. This approach creates a unique blend of spiritual practices and religious wisdom that are perfect for the yoga novice and the experienced practitioner alike.
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Purchase the Full Primary Series for only $5!
Ashtanga yoga’s full primary series, which is just over an hour.
Modifications are offered in each posture to make the practices suitable, no matter the level of your practice.
Yoga with Spirit

Explore yourself – your inner workings, your habits, your beliefs and your desires - in this life-changing series of classes