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What allows our spiritual health and vocational call to thrive?
People who serve the hungry, people who turn to the Holy Spirit for guidance, people who are hungry for and are working for spiritual deepening or racial reconciliation, people who refuse to give up hope that this world can be a place of justice: what are the conditions that allow each of these types of people to thrive?
Drawing on a dual heritage of the contemplative and mystical tradition of Christianity and the humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers, The Rev. Robert Fruehwirth is working with The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Angel Nalubega, and Angela Nelson to create a new program for spiritual leadership formation. It’s called Birds of the Air and it trains and deepens people for a new kind of leadership, one that is strong in Spirit, deep with the quiet that allows God to work, and bright with curiosity and hope. It’s more about humility than ego, more about providing conditions for others to thrive than driving them forward with strong speech or expert wisdom. Under such leadership, each group discovers itself as a joyous organism that can trust God to clothe it with splendor and which God feeds richly with the Spirit.
If you know that you are being called to enter into this extremely important moment in history to work with the Holy Spirit in a new way in your life--this is for you. Even if you have no idea how.
Beth Bernard
Birds of the Air has given me a new way to stay present in centering prayer - using a mantra that sort of resonates with my heartbeat. That was a very powerful meditation for me on the day the chant was introduced.
Amanda Zitzelman
It really helped me to formulate a clearer vision of and for Blankets for Berries. This was so wonderful for me because I've had this very vague overwhelming idea for about 2 years.
Barbara Dundon
I've become more mindful on a daily basis of the role my emotions play in dictating my actions. Now I more routinely look to see if they are leading me toward or away from God.