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Barbara Dundon
3 min read
Faith as buoyancy
My heart filled with joy. Ecstasy. In that moment, I was transported outside of myself to a place of utter bliss. The memory of that...

Barbara Dundon
2 min read
Postcards - Journey to a Thin Place
I love postcards: both sending and receiving. For me, sending a postcard is kind of like putting a message in a bottle and dropping it in...

Barbara Dundon
2 min read
"You Could Be on Oprah!"
My father was loving but remote. Mum, on the other hand, was relentlessly present in my life. She was my number one cheerleader.

Barbara Dundon
2 min read
Prayer as Birdwatching
I see that the experience of bird watching bears a remarkable resemblance to prayer. In prayer and meditation, we sit in a comfortable...

Barbara Dundon
2 min read
Consider the Lilies
I woke up each morning excited to see the progress, to notice how the petals unfurled. Eventually, I grabbed pencil and watercolors in an...

Barbara Dundon
4 min read
Drawing Gratitude
When I returned home, I took up drawing as a passion. Something about it just felt right. I sought out simple shapes at first...
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