Fear, Mist, & Monsters
Biblical Wisdom for Facing Your Fears
In our lives, we face real fears, pain, and suffering. These things can feel like metaphorical monsters lurking in the shadows and mist of a murky reality. It can seem wherever we turn, there are people who can only seem to offer Hallmark-esque platitudes and even toxic positivity in response to the actual help our souls desire.
The Biblical Wisdom tradition takes the opposite approach to pain and suffering. Through Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job (three of the classic Wisdom books in the Bible), we can find a pattern that has been time-tested to help us find deep growth, even when we're facing the things we fear most in this life.
Taking an in-depth academic and spiritual approach to these three Book of the Bible, we can learn to grow in wisdom and hope.
Starts September 26th, 2024
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The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining

Hillary currently serves as the first woman Rector of St. Christopher's Episcopal Church in Gladwyne, PA. She teaches both on The Hive as well as seminary classes and is a sought after retreat leader. As a writer, Raining has published in both academia and ecclesia. She is the author of Joy in Confession and co-author with Amy Dolan of Faith with a Twist. She holds a B.A. with honors in Religion and Psychology from Moravian College, a Masters of Divinity from Yale and the Institute of Sacred Music and is a graduate from Drew University with a Doctorate in Ministry. Raining is also a yoga teacher, bee keeper, and environmentalist.
To learn more about Hillary, visit her personal website here.