Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
During Lent
Amy is back following her very popular Advent series!
For the six Sundays of Lent, spiritual director, Amy Nobles Dolan, will offer a series of one-hour prayer experiences.
This series is a Lenten mini retreat exploring the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.
The Spiritual Exercises were created by St. Ignatius of Loyola to help people draw closer to God in their everyday lives. These six contemplative experiences are designed to open your eyes and heart to see God in everything and everyone. All that is needed to participate is a curious heart and an interest in exploring new ways to connect your faith to your daily life.
These participatory experiences are an invitation into a deeper experience of the all-encompassing love of God during a liturgical season with just this intention. In fact, if you desire, the practices we do together can be repeated daily as your Lenten discipline.
All materials for each session will be provided.
Full Course Available Now
Amy Nobles Dolan

Amy Nobles Dolan is a spiritual director, yoga instructor, and co-author of the book, Faith with a Twist.
You can find out more about Amy on her website: