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Lament, Gratitude, Joy

Writing Workshop


How can we pray when we're hurting?

How can we come before God with our raw, honest emotions?

How can we wrap all of the feelings swirling around in our big hearts into prayer?...

And when we're ready, how do we move into gratitude and joy in a deep way as well?

This 3-Part Workshop answers these questions and more.

Full Course Available Now



The Rev. Canon Carrie Schofield-Broadbent, The Rev. Yejide Peters Pietersen, and Alli Gannett

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The Rev. Canon Carrie Schofield-Broadbent is an Episcopal priest who, though she works for the Church full-time, considers herself bi-vocational as she follows her calling as both as a mom and as a priest. After studying Peace & Conflict Studies and Spanish in college, Carrie had a career as a conflict resolution trainer and consultant before beginning her masters at Virginia Theological Seminary. Building on many years in parish ministry, Carrie serves as the Canon of Transition and Church Development on the Bishop’s executive staff in the Diocese of Central New York.

The Rev. Yejide Peters Pietersen is Associate Dean and Director of Spiritual Formation at Berkeley Divinity School at Yale.

Alli Gannett is a Maryland native living in Connecticut. She is interested in building local community, digital communications and social media, and finding spirituality in the natural world. Alli has hiked 1500+ miles along the Appalachian Trail and has worked in two national parks with a Christian Ministry. She works in communications and media for the Episcopal Church in Connecticut. She holds a M.Div. from Yale and lives in New Haven, Connecticut with her partner and their cat.

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