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Kristen Ostendorf
2 min read
Week 6 - A Service for Candlemas
Humans have long marked midwinter as a transitional or liminal space. The presentation of Jesus in the temple helps us consider where God is

Kristen Ostendorf
2 min read
Week 5 - Moving Through Liminal Spaces & COVID
What does it mean to move through or out of liminal spaces?

Kristen Ostendorf
2 min read
Week 4 - Axis Mundi - Your Home Altar
When we're not able to meet together in person, setting up a home altar or prayer nook can help get us through this liminal time.

Kristen Ostendorf
2 min read
Week 3 - A Vesper Prayer Walk
How can we use "falling darkness" or "vesper light" to lean into this time of liminality and grow closer to God?

Kristen Ostendorf
2 min read
Week 2 - Release, Reclaim, and Retain
As we face this liminal moment of Epiphanytide and the ongoing pandemic, it feels like a good time to pray for God's blessings on our homes.

Kristen Ostendorf
2 min read
Week 1 - Living in Transitional Times
What does it mean to live in transitional or in-between times? It can be incredibly frightening and we might be in one now.
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