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Miriam G Willard McKenney
2 min read
Week 1 - Thinking about this first post about racism and body image, I asked them: “Hey girls, think back. When did you realize I was fat?”

Miriam G Willard McKenney
2 min read
A Roundabout Way to Loving Myself - Birthday Edition
Week 2 - Loving myself as a large black woman is radical because doing so is counter to what The World says I should do.

Miriam G Willard McKenney
2 min read
Stop Signs
Week 3 - When I was around nine years old, I remember standing at the stove next to my mom. “Why am I fat?” I asked her as she cooked...

Miriam G Willard McKenney
2 min read
Slowing Down for Green Lights
Week 4 - In the last three weeks, I’ve revealed several personal and painful things about myself. It’s not easy to talk about parts of my...

Miriam G Willard McKenney
2 min read
Week 5 - Our lives are full of things in and out of our control. Being born a black biracial girl - out of my control.
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