Living with the Mystics
Christianity is in a time of major transition brought about by changes in culture, technology, politics, and pandemic. At times, it can feel like there are very few resources to help guide spiritual leaders through these moments. Thankfully, we have the mystical tradition to help us find a way to God and evolve in our faith. This class will reach back to some of the most important figures of the mystic tradition from both Christianity and other traditions. Their wisdom will help us look forward to the future. Advent is a perfect time to engage in these wisdom teachers of the past as we wait for the fulfillment of all creation!
This class is open to all and will be especially useful for those who serve as spiritual leaders in their communities. Thanks to the partnership with the Serviam Institute and the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, clergy who take this course will receive 4 hours of Continuing Education Units CEU.
Recordings of each session will be available on The Hive and on The Servium Institute.
Every class will include seminary-level instruction from The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, Episcopal priest, recent Affiliated Professor of Ascetic & Liturgical Theology at The General Theological Seminary, and founder of The Hive online spirituality and wellness community. In addition, participants will gain insight and wisdom from historic and modern mystics as well as spiritual practices to use in their own ministerial settings. Space for prayer and holy conversation with spiritual companions will be a hallmark of our time together.
Free to all, thanks to the generosity of The Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.
Topics We'll Cover:
- Mapping the Mystic Path- Awakening an Evolving Faith
- Indigenous Wisdom & Vision Quests
- Divine Mothers & Cosmic Brides- Wisdom from the Women Doctors of the Faith
- Greening Our Faith- Living for Seven Generations
- Dark Nights of the Soul
- Learning to pray with the mystics