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White Pillars

Revolutions of Faith

A Journey through the History of the Revolutionaries of the Church

In this course we'll be traveling through the history of the Church and we'll talk about people who have, by their lives and their witness, changed the way we talk about God and ourselves.


From Martin Luther to Martin Luther King Jr., from St. Augustine to Nelson Mandela, and from Julian of Norwich to Mother Theresa.

How do the lives and teachings of these revolutionaries impact our daily spiritual walk? 

What does it take to be part of the Spirit's transformation of the world, and how does this transform our own hearts?

Session One

The Dignity of Every Human Being

Martin Luther King Jr., Jonathan Daniels, the Philadelphia Eleven, and Gene Robinson

Session Four

The Bible is for the People

John Wycliffe, Jan Hus, and Martin Luther

Session Seven

Thinkers We'll Figure this Stuff Out

Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, and Thomas Aquinas

Session Ten

Martyrs We'll Die for this Stuff

Stephen, Justin Martyr, Perpetua & Felicity, and Ignatius of Antioch

Session Thirteen

An Angel of the Lord Suddenly Appeared in a Dream

Joseph - Earthly Father of Jesus

Session Two

Modern Mystics & Change Agents

Thomas Merton, Therese of Lisieux, and Mahatma Gandhi

Session Five

The Birth of the Via Media

Thomas Cranmer, Henry VIII, and Elizabeth I

Session Eight

Monastics We'll Pray About this Stuff

Anthony/Antony, Benedict, and Francis of Assisi

Session Eleven

Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord

Isaiah - the Prophet of Israel

Session Fourteen

Behold I Am the Handmaiden of the Lord

The Blessed Virgin Mary - Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Session Three

Faith in Action

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nelson Mandela, and Mother Teresa

Session Six

How Far Can We Take This?

John Calvin and John Wesley

Session Nine

Mystics We'll Have Visions About this Stuff

John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and Julian of Norwich

Session Twelve

Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God

John the Baptist - Prophet & Forerunner of the Messiah

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