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Erin Jean Warde
2 min read
New Year's Eve & Alcohol
New Year’s Eve is different for everyone, but in my work as a recovery coach it is a time when I am especially tender toward people who...

Erin Jean Warde
2 min read
Boundaries & Self-Trust
Today I want us to dig into something that has been hard for me (not that any of this has been easy): self-trust.

Erin Jean Warde
2 min read
Post-Holiday Care
What do you feel like today, after a possibly long week last week? What are some ways you can pause this week to give your mind, body...

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
Christmas Eve and Mocktail Hour
Today, given it is literally Christmas Eve for some of us, I wanted to offer a little something that I hope is fun.

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
Self-Care is an Act of Political Warfare
Often I can become cynical about self-care, rolling my eyes when it pops up. However, when I return to Audre Lorde’s quote I am reminded...

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
Christmas Week and Self-Care
Hello friends, this is a very intense week!
I just want to mention that this might be a week when it feels impossible to care for yourself

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
Feeling Festive?
Today, I want to share with you a resource I made for people who are
trying to stay sober during the holidays or hosting those who are.

Erin Jean Warde
2 min read
The Role of Coping in Survival
Coping is normal. Demonizing how we have tried to support ourselves through some of the toughest moments and seasons in our lives will not..

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
Coping and the Stress of December
What comes to mind for you when you think about coping? What are some ways you are coping during the understandable stressors of this month

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
The Role of the Examen
The Examen became so foundational for me in early recovery that it is the prayerful backbone of my course.

Erin Jean Warde
1 min read
Escaping the Body
When I was drinking, I was not intentionally trying to escape my body, but I was always running from it for so many reasons.

Erin Jean Warde
2 min read
Connection with the Body
Hello Hive Community!
I’m Erin Jean Warde (she/her) and I’m a priest, spiritual director, recovery coach, and writer. I am sober, but I w
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